Thursday, July 28, 2011

Free Stuff

You'll notice near the top of the main page I've included a link to some free goodies, such as wallpaper, tutorials, etc., which I'll update periodically. You can also reach the link here.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Colorist Work - graphic novel

Since my last post I've been working steadily and under deadline coloring the many pages of a graphic novel for a soon-to-be-well-known artist. Been averaging about 12 hours per day.

I can't divulge any more than that right now, at least not until the book comes out.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Coloring work - Thomas C. Ramey

Here's a cartoon I colored for artist, Thomas C. Ramey.


You can see more of my coloring work here.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Coloring work - Lowenders

I just finished a Golden-Age retro-look cover for Lowenders, a comic by Patrick Barb, with art by Michael Johnson-Curry. Damian DeMartino designed the logo. Let me know what you think.

You can see more of my coloring work here.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Concept Art - The Old One

This is a personal piece, done with Vue and PhotoShop. You can see my other concept work here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Full Dark, No Stars

Just finished reading Stephen King's compendium of four short stories, Full Dark, No Stars. Well...he wasn't kidding with the title. It's his usual fine writing, but my God, dark is an understatement. I recommend that you only read this in the daytime, preferably with somebody in the room with you. And don't be drinking when you read it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Concept Art - Lavascape

This is a personal piece, done with Vue and PhotoShop.

Concept Art - Alien Landscape

This piece was commissioned as an establishing shot for a futuristic graphic novel.

Concept Art - Aspinwall Light

This piece was done for an indie filmmaker in Poland. It wasn't used in the film, but the story that the film is based on is worth reading. You can read it here.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Coloring work - Shogun

Am awaiting the pencils for page 4 of the Shogun book to color. Curtis Lawson is the writer and the art is by Bogdan Chelaru. We have been skipping the inking stage and I've been coloring over Bogdan's clean tight pencils. A fabulous story, I predict the book a solid seller. You can see more of Curtis's work here.

Here is a sampling of the first three pages:

You can see more of my coloring work here.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

For the Love of Dogs

One of our two Golden Retrievers is Jake, at the left. He went to the clearing at the end of the path (passed away) last summer.

He was 15 years old and was healthy and full of life 'til the very end. We miss him terribly. 

Our other Golden is Murphy, left. He's 8 years old and full of piss and vinegar.
The newest addition to our family is Riley, left, a Springer Spaniel. He was 8 weeks when this picture was taken. He's 4 months old now and weighs 30 pounds.
Here's a little homage that might tug at your heart strings:

Lobstrosities Are Good Eats

As you can probably tell by now, I'm wont to intersperse my palaver with phrases, verbal nuggets, famous lines and obscure references from: books (especially Stephen King's), movies, music and current events. Obviously, I don't have a real life of my own (though I can come up with one-liner gems occasionally); I tend to pick and choose what interests me from others, enhances (I hope) my view of the world condition or simply depresses me.

So, if you see a particular reference and think you recognize it, agree with it, hate it or would like to know more about it, let me know and I'll try to accommodate.